Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Chrysanthemums Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Chrysanthemums - Essay Example Her working apparel is clean and provides security to her while working. She is very particular about her self cleanliness as well as of her farmhouse and ""The Chrysanthemums". She declares that her gardening skills were result of her mother's dextrousness in same work. She has just crossed her youth life and has a craving for going out and experiencing the kind of life other people live and to experience new things. She enjoys a very healthy and humorous relation with her husband who makes sure that he starts or leaves the conversation on a laughing note. Her husband who owns a ranch keeps her happy and cares for her well being. She is very observing and inquisitive by nature and keeps check on her surroundings and notes minute details about some things while even working on her beloved Chrysanthemums. Elisa has a face that becomes strong while assertings herselfat work and changes to more softness when she talks to her husband. Lean and strong, at the same time her face is mature and handsome to be seen as masculine while working on relatively softer stems and branches of the flowers. She is thorough with her work with matching knowledge and skilled hands. She loves going out and away from the usual chorus of farm work. She gets intrigued by stories of life that other people live, and also likes experimenting with things. The moment discussion gets towards chrysanthemums, Elisa gets emotionally attached to them and she helps anyone who appreciates the flower for its heavenly hue. She is a believer and a gifted lady. The spring wagon man initially has some off note talk with Elisa but then talks around things in order to get what he actually wants, the work that he pleaded initially to her. The behaviour of Elisa towards the untidy clothed man was rather appreciable and emphatical. And at last but not least, in parts of story, Elisa is depicted as a somewhat sensuous and very beautiful lady who pampers her self as much she works in her flower garden. At the e nd of the day when she gets ready to go out with her husband, she dresses up lovingly. Now we will talk about the character named Henry Allen. He is the owner of the ranch and Elisa is his wife. He loves Elisa very much and keeps her happy in her strenuous work, around the flower garden. He has an air of romanticism around him whenever he talks to her wife and has a good sense of humour with perfect timing. He plans things around pretty well and manages the ranch well also. There is also mention of him selling some fordson at a rate which was profitable. He and his wife share a very fulfilling relation together and his teasing and witty yet hilarious remarks refreshes Elisa quickly. Ain the end of the story while riding a roadster, he is very understanding and caring to her wifes responses and tries to reinforce her smile back. He loves his wife very much and it shows silently in their normal conversations. In the end we will have to discuss the character of a spring wagon chariot who is a daily wager and is not well off in his clothes, attire and vehicle which has a rather amusing fleet of one horse and one donkey clubbed

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Utilitarian and Kantain Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Utilitarian and Kantain Ethics - Essay Example Most humans act in a certain manner for their self-preservation and interests. Once an individual acknowledges and comprehends the fact that society as whole benefits and perishes more rather than own self-interests; chaos is eliminated and harmony is achieved. Utilitarianism theories are excellent in moral dilemmas as it enhances the scope of cases that it can manage. One can question this dogmatic approach to this theory. One cannot deny that it creates a solid foundation of benefitting the society as whole. However, utilitarian ethics ignore the struggles of people living in a micro level. One must acknowledge that minorities are essential part of society as they compromise. A prime example of this could be seen in this example. For instance, a train conductor is letting a bridge down for a train to cross. Suddenly, he sees his girls playing with the gears. Does he save his daughter or does he allow millions of people to be victims of death? These are crucial decisions that utilit arian ethics fail to answer. Similarly, Kant’s moral theory is not necessarily to focus in consequences necessarily, but rather focusing on an issue that should be done regardless of the burden it creates. The theory automatically assumes that an individual should naturally execute an action regardless of the consequences. An individual should commit to an action even it causes unhappiness and is not logical. This concept is extremely essential base on the fact that humans should not care if their actions are moral as long as they are ethical. For instance, one cannot blame someone else if they attempt to be nice but instead end up hurting the other individual. One must comprehend that that person had good intentions and meant well. Again, this is vital in the society that we live in because it creates diffusion and a moral viewpoint on conflicts and tensions that occur every day. Moreover, if the outcome that an